InRedemptionbyAlexander MartinA Dish Served ColdRevenge is bitter-sweet and always best when unexpected…Sep 14, 20226Sep 14, 20226
InRedemptionbyAlexander MartinThe Food ChainSometimes you think you’re at the top, but you’re really at the bottom.Feb 22, 20232Feb 22, 20232
Alexander MartinGetting Out and AboutAll he needed to get over his cheating wife was to get out of the house and enjoy the scenery.Jul 22, 2021Jul 22, 2021
InRedemptionbyAlexander MartinLights On or Off?She has rules to follow. Make sure you follow them, or else!Sep 25, 20238Sep 25, 20238
InRedemptionbyAlexander MartinBuried DeepShe had buried that part of her deep within herself. He would regret bringing it to the surface.Jun 30, 20246Jun 30, 20246